Friday night I had book club. Really we are just a bunch of ladies who get together, eat dinner and drink a little wine. Some of us actually read the books. I am included in the "some." In fact, I am the one who is known as "the one who reads the books." I find this awfully funny since I wasn't a reader until I was over 30. I seem to be a late bloomer in a lot of ways. I am sure my teachers would think it is funny that I am the one who is known as the one who always reads the books. My nook has made it even more convenient for me to read the books we choose as well as many more in between our meetings. In fact, I am reading books that I never would have read because of my nook and the Barnes and Noble Free Friday giveaways which gives me the opportunity to download a free nook book every Friday. Of course it is a book of their choosing, but it's free right? A few weeks ago, I actually downloaded Thirteen Envelopes by Maureen Johnson which I didn't realize was adolescent lit until I started reading it. It was actually pretty cute and was a fun read. It was probably a pretty good move on Barnes & Noble's part too because now I want to read the sequel.
Thank goodness, my book club's been choosing books that I can actually download although I have had to pay for them. I am still having issues as many are with the cost of e-books. One would think it would be less expensive to download a book than to to buy a paper copy, but it is awfully convenient and I like that. You can't use coupons either which is a bummer. I guess I should see if the books are on my local library system for download so I can save money.
On Friday we discussed our most recent book, The Necklace, Thirteen Women and the Experiment that Transformed Their Lives by Cheryl Jarvis. It was a good read for a book club because it is a book that you need to discuss. I don't know that I would have read it on my own. It was a story about some women in California who went together and bought a very expensive diamond necklace. It was really about women who come together, social dynamics, sharing, and philanthropy. I don't know that I would recommend it just to read, but I would recommend it to a group of women to read and discuss.
Next month, we are reading The Next Thing on My List by Jill Smolinski What I love about my nook is that I was able to come home and download the next book immediately so you know what I will be reading this week.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Book Club and My nookColor
Posted by
QueenJJ: Judy
8:44 PM
Labels: bookclub, nookColor, Technology
Monday, March 14, 2011
Who Should Buy the iPad 2?
If you are thinking about buying the iPad 2, you should read this article. It is short and to the point which is always good. It does a great job of listing who should buy the iPad 2 and why someone may not want purchase one.
Posted by
QueenJJ: Judy
8:49 AM
Labels: Apple, Internet, Technology
Friday, March 04, 2011
Motorola Xoom vs iPad 2: Let the Dueling Begin
I haven't had my hands on either one of these nifty little devices and if someone wanted to give me one, I wouldn't whine about either one. Both the iPad2 and the Xoom look like great devices. They don't replace the laptop, but they seem to be on their way. Personally, if I was planning to buy one, I would probably go with the Xoom just because I am such a big fan of my Droid and the Android platform and the open market. The only drawbacks are right now is the inability to load my iTunes library, view Hulu and watch Netflix. All that really means is that I am carrying two devices so I can listen to music and downloaded videos and if I want to watch streamed content I wait to use my computer or my Roku box. That really doesn't even bother me since I don't want to charge my Droid constantly and if I really want music, I do have Pandora. There are a couple of great blog entries reviewing the iPad2 and the Xoom at Computer World where their finding is that the Xoom is the winner in this duel. Personally, it may just be a matter of taste, but you be the judge.
Posted by
QueenJJ: Judy
9:32 AM
Labels: Android, Apple, Cell Phones/PDAs, Technology
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
How Many Email Addresses Do You Have?
I can answer that one! Toooooo Many!
It started out easy enough. In 1994, I got my first email account with my local ISP. They were bought out by another company so I was ported over to the new ISP's domain name. You can still find remnants of those old addresses out on list serves if you search for them. I left that ISP, but not before I signed up for Yahoo! email so that I could do Yahoo chat and build a webpage for my class reunion. I also wanted web access so I could check my email elsewhere and my ISP didn't offer webmail until later on down the road. By then, I also had a Hotmail/MSN account I used for IMing and it became my Junk Mail account. I use it to sign up for stuff and when I need to have an account to download software. Somewhere in there, I went to work for the university and they gave me an email account. The university didn't have webmail either. That didn't happen until 1998 or 1999. After that, I got my first Gmail account (remember you had to be invited) which was really going to be my crafting and business account for Stampin' Up. As many of you know that new career was short lived, but the email address remains. At about the same time I got my Gmail account, we switched ISPs because we were able to get wireless broadband out in the boonies. This led to another email account, but I also lost one because I ended my contract with my old ISP. Last year, I got my DROID which led to another email account. You had to have a Google account which I had, but I didn't want to use the crafting account because no one would know who I was with such an obscure name. Well, most people wouldn't. I also couldn't get my Yahoo mail on my phone at the time because I am cheap and didn't want to pay for the premium Yahoo! account. Why would I when I could just get another Gmail account? So, I did just that and started changing my email over to that account. Because I am cheap and won't pay for the premium account with Yahoo! I still can't forward so I am still getting some mail to that account. In the end, this makes 6 email accounts. Really, who needs 6 email accounts? Because of this, Inbox Zero will never happen for this lady!
Posted by
QueenJJ: Judy
8:00 AM
Labels: All about me, Email, Technology
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Just What is a Victrola?
Two weekends ago, we had a floor full of college students up to our little cabin at 49 Degrees North and we were talking about technology and the changes in technology. Imagine that! So somehow we got on the subject of downloading music and watching videos which then led to how easy it is to copy due to the evolution of technology and how portable technology is today.
Posted by
QueenJJ: Judy
8:00 AM
Labels: Copyright, History, People, Technology
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Finding Grandpa Thanks to Technology
Lately I have been spending a lot of my personal time exploring my family history. In 1919, my grandmother, Virginia Pearl HUGHES CANTRIL SPAIN was adopted into a rather well to do family. Shortly there after her new parents split up leaving her to live with her father. Her father died when she was a young girl which left her to grow up in a Catholic boarding school. Years later, after my grandmother married, she became the mother of an only child. That child was my mother who had two girls. Needless to say, we are a small family and my grandmother always wondered if she had any siblings.
Posted by
QueenJJ: Judy
9:32 PM
Labels: Genealogy, Internet, Piccone, Smaldino, Technology