Friday, December 07, 2007

Unbelieveable--It's almost winter.

So here it is a couple of weeks before Christmas and we are starting ski practice tomorrow so I think, "Hey I should add to my blog!" ...So I look back at my last post and realize that the last time I blogged was in July when I was complaining about 86 Degrees. Now the high is suppose to be 34 today and I am complaining about how cold my office feels.

Well since my last blog entry, I bought the Verizon Samsung i760. I have had it just a little over a month and still haven't figured out if I like it or not. I do love the ability to dial with buttons instead of the touch screen and I like the slide-out side keyboard over my old vx6600 touch screen which I also loved when it was new. I also love having Bluetooth and the built in wireless. Although, this morning was a bit funny when I dropped off my daughter's oversized, costly school project before work and looked down at my phone as it was trying to access every network in the Brentwood. :) There are a lot of folks who need to set up some security on their wireless networks in the area. I do not like the fact that Verizon wants to charge extra if I want to use the tethering capabilities when the old 6700s worked fine and I already pay for data. This is a little more than irritating since I can't use both the phone and my laptop at the same time. It is not like I would be using more bandwidth! All and all, the final report is still pending, but my every two years isn't up for 1 yr and 11 months so I guess I'm stuck with what I have. At least it runs Windows Mobile 6 and I have longer battery life!

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